The weather forecast is for rain on Sunday the 3rd January. The aviation facility public meeting will now be held at: The Progress hall (Council Caravan Park, Porter Promenade) 12.30pm Guest speakers For more information 0414 402315
Wishing everyone all the very best for Christmas
Letter drops, posters and signs attached to boundary fences were some of the suggested actions agreed to by those who attended the meeting. The community say they want to send a strong message to the local council that a helicopter base is not welcome at the proposed location. Residents who say they would be impacted by the development describe the proposal as 'the industrialisation of the heart of Mission Beach'. Fifty five (55) submissions were received opposing Mission Beach Helicopters Development Application for a Material Change of Use (MCU) to establish an Aviation Facility at 2224 Tully Mission Beach Road, Mission Beach . Those attending the meeting claim the Planning Departments report recommending approval of the development did not properly consider the community concerns in submissions opposing the proposal. Responding to community requests, the CCRC council voted 4 - 3 at their general meeting on December 10th, to defer their decision about the proposal until their next meeting on 21 January 2021. Peter Rowles of C4 stressed they have no objection to what is being proposed. "It is just at the wrong location". said Peter. Liz Gallie agreed saying "There would be much more suitable locations within the Cassowary Coast for what is being proposed". "This would introduce unacceptable noise to a tourism destination between two World Heritage Areas known for its quiet village character" said Liz . "We are asking the council to listen to the people and to stick to the Planning Scheme" The community is encouraged to attend a meeting at 12.30pm the 3rd January at Ulysses Park following the village markets. Guest speakers will attend. Ends For more information Contact Liz Gallie 0414 402 315 Peter Rowles 0429 179 152 Monday 10th Dec 2020 The Cassowary Coast Regional council (CCRC) voted to defer their decision until their next general meeting on 21 January. The vote was passed 4 - 3 with Cr Tschui, Cr Baines Cr Barnes and Mayor Mark Nolan voting in favour, Cr Millwood, Cr Pervan and Cr Faranelli against. You can view the live streaming of CCRC General meeting 10 Dec 2020. the Planner presenting the Aviation facility recommendation starts at 3:55.42 Councillor Barnes: "Applicants have done a great job picking our shire to come to. I think it’s going to be a great asset to our shire – if it is in the right place. I hope we don’t frighten this helicopter company off through making this decision (deferral)".
Mayor Mark Nolan: "This is a renowned national company not a fly by nighter. They want to do a partnership with our council. It’s critical for our branding and our reputation that we are open about these types of DA’s. In the year 2000, the Johnstone Shire was approached by Steggles and there was concern by the residents at the time and the councillors of the day listened to those people’s concerns and Steggles left Johnstone Shire established in Mareeba and currently employ 120 workers. So that’s the consequence of ...ah... being negative and not considering... ah... good applications from reputable people who are renowned nationally".
Please show your support
Sign the petition This website is managed by Mission Beach Cassowaries inc to share information about the No Helicopters Here campaign against the approval of A HELICOPTER BASE on 2224 Tully Mission Beach Road.
Court appeal chronology
28th February 2022.
C4 entered into a compromise settlement with Mission Helicopters. The appeal did not proceed to a court hearing. 3rd December 2021
The appeal was reviewed. Judge Morzone ordered (above) the appellant (C4) to provide a list of matters they wish to be considered for inclusion in the proposed conditions attached to any approval of the development application. 3rd September 2021
Order (above) made by his Honour Judge Morzone QC. Appeal review listed for 3 December 2021 6th August 2021
Court ordered MH to respond to C4 correspondence by August 15th. Appeal review listed for 3rd September. 3rd June 2021
Grounds on which Mission Helicopters, as co respondent , defended the appeal . 5th Mar 2021
C4 filed to appeal the Heliport approval decision Archives
September 2022
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