The Mission Beach community is calling for Mission Helicopters director Ray Cronin to fulfill his obligations by referring his Helicopter aerodrome development to the federal government for assessment.
Decades of community work could be undermined The Mission Beach community says an important part of the development assessment process has been ignored. “We have every reason to question the process particularly as the former federal environment minister Peter Garrett saw fit to deny a development on Lot 66 in the same locality because of the impact it would have on the endangered cassowary” said Ms Gallie.”If this development is allowed to go ahead it will undermine Mr Garrett’s decision and the integrity of the whole Wongaling Creek cassowary habitat corridors system. In 2015 when the then federal Threatened Species Commissioner Gregory Andrews visited Mission Beach for World Cassowary Day he was so impressed by the community's commitment to protect the cassowary, it was included in the 20 birds threatened species list. The community has sent an urgent appeal for the new federal environment minister the Hon Tanya Plibersek to use her power to call in the development for assessment under the EPBC Act. “We are asking for proper process to be observed; for the impacts on the sensitive environment and important wildlife to be assessed. "The process is there for a reason. What is Mr Cronin afraid of?” said Ms Gallie "Or is Mr Cronin exempt from the law”? The cassowaries of Mission Beach need your help
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Sharon Munro
12/9/2022 02:45:23 pm
Firstly we live 300 metres from helipad proposed site. My husband is a disability support worker who does night shift and needs to sleep during the day!!!! Notwithstanding this our house price will be direct Impacted as well as our peace and quiet which is why we pay exhorbitant rates to Cassowary Coast Council to live in a quiet beachside village. We are a small village, we support local businesses to help them survive!!!! Notwithstanding any of the above we have a Cassowary corridor that includes our back fence to the creek behind us as well as inside our culdesac, Hutchison Close. We see Cassowaries and their chicks very regularly, and not just one or two. The Cassowary Coast is named after this ICONIC bird. Tourists come from all over Australia and the World to see it. Helicopters will be the death of Cassowaries in Mission Beach as will the tourism industry. Foolish people that think a helipad here in Mission Beach is good for our town. Council aswell as Kestrel really need to look at the bigger picture. My husband and I will sell our property at a loss of this goes ahead however I will not live next door to a busy helipad. We will leave Mission Beach completely.
Mission Beach Cassowaries
12/9/2022 08:58:17 pm
We can understand your sentiment Sharon. A helicopter aerodrome at that location will destroy what Mission Beach stands for and represents.
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Please show your support
Sign the petition This website is managed by Mission Beach Cassowaries inc to share information about the No Helicopters Here campaign against the approval of A HELICOPTER BASE on 2224 Tully Mission Beach Road.
Court appeal chronology
28th February 2022.
C4 entered into a compromise settlement with Mission Helicopters. The appeal did not proceed to a court hearing. 3rd December 2021
The appeal was reviewed. Judge Morzone ordered (above) the appellant (C4) to provide a list of matters they wish to be considered for inclusion in the proposed conditions attached to any approval of the development application. 3rd September 2021
Order (above) made by his Honour Judge Morzone QC. Appeal review listed for 3 December 2021 6th August 2021
Court ordered MH to respond to C4 correspondence by August 15th. Appeal review listed for 3rd September. 3rd June 2021
Grounds on which Mission Helicopters, as co respondent , defended the appeal . 5th Mar 2021
C4 filed to appeal the Heliport approval decision Archives
September 2022
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